We Write For An All-Knowing God

“It occurred to me that nothing ever occurs to God.”

Read that quote again.

A friend shared it with me several weeks ago, and it blessed my socks off (I’ve since put clean socks back on). Seriously though, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what he said. I still find myself recalling that quote and thinking, man that’s cool.

God never turns to Gabriel and says, “Ya know…I never thought of that!” He never gives a holy shrug and confesses, “Wow! I sure didn’t see that coming!” Nothing ever just occurs to God. He knows everything…and that means He knows everything about you and me.

Writer, do you believe that? What catches you by surprise and pulls the rug out from under you, never shakes God out of control. Lean on Him. Spend time in His Word. In all your efforts to write for Him, be sure to take time to read what He’s already caused to be written in the Bible. Trust Him to lead you. You may not know where you’re going…but He does. And He’ll walk with you. He knows what is best for you. He knows how to correct, and refresh your soul. And He’ll never throw up His hands and proclaim, ‘This is more than I can handle. I’m not sure what to do. I’m out of here!”

Relax. Pray for wisdom and understanding.

We write for an All-Knowing God.


Filed under Christian Fiction, Christian Growth, Christian Life, Larry W. Timm, Writing

2 responses to “We Write For An All-Knowing God

  1. It is reassuring and baffling at the same time.
    From a human perspective, it would seem that since God knows everything, He would get terribly bored. Yet, He delights in His creation. Go figure.

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