Name your “Foes”

Take a piece if paper and write: Things I want to accomplish as a writer on one line. Then start listing your goals in any order or arrangement you want, just as long as you are honest with yourself. Rank them by priority or just randomly as they spill out our heart. Remember–be honest! Put your dreams on paper right in front of your eyes. And notice that I didn’t qualify the list with the constraints like this year…or…in the next 3-5 years…or…before my frayed mind comes completely unraveled and I wander around my yard in my underwear, giggling and making dandelion necklaces.

Now take a second sheet of paper and put this heading at the top: Things that are stopping me from reaching my writing goals.

The start listing them. One by One. Get to know your foes by name.

Fear. Doubt. Lack of money, time, or discipline. Unsupportive family and/or friends. Unresolved anger. These are just a few.

Finally, on a third sheet of paper write: My plan to overcome my “foes” and reach my goals.

Then, prayerfully and carefully, start writing out a plan to deal with each and every one of the “foes” that are in your way. This may take awhile, so take whatever time you need. It may take hours, days, or even weeks. But the investment of time may be one of the most liberating experiences of your writing life. If you can’t think of a way to overcome a certain foe, seek advice from other writers. But don’t stop until you have addressed every foe.

You can do this.

I certainly don’t have all the answers, but If I can help in any way, please let me know. By the way, I’m working on my list also, so we’re in this together.


Filed under books, Christian Fiction, Christian Growth, Christian Life, Larry W. Timm, Writing

4 responses to “Name your “Foes”

  1. Mary Gessner

    This is an EXCELLENT blog. And, by the way, I believe you’d have a best seller if you compiled all your blogs, and little comments on fb, and put them in one book (I think I mentioned this before) Don’t doubt, just do it 🙂 ).

  2. Great list. My #1 foe is procrastination…but only on getting started on a new book. Once I start, I can stay on track until it’s finished. Right now I’m in the thinking stage and even procrastinating on that. lol

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