Top 10 Alternatives to National Novel Writing Month

I wish nothing but success to those writer friends of mine who are in the middle of NaNoWriMo. But for those who didn’t join in the verbosity, here are my Top 10 ways you can fill the remainder of the month with your own nifty writing challenges.

# 10:  NaWriBacMo:  (National Write on Bacon Month) Try to write a novel on strips of bacon! Trust me, it’s not easy…er…I mean, I imagine it’s quite a challenge.

#  9:  NaStaEdMo:  (National Stalk an Editor Month)  This is really self-explanatory…not to mention the fact that it will most likely leave you with taser marks and research material from the local jail.

#  8:  NaDaParMo:  (National Dangling Participle Month) Being snarky with this activity, the month will go by quickly.

#  7:  NaFloBoPaAwaMo:  (National Floating Body Parts Awareness Month) Turn your favorite floating body parts into characters in a story. Write an entire novel featuring them!

#  6:  NaPoHoCoYoLaMo:  (National Pour Hot Coffee in Your Lap Month) Try different blends and see which one gets the old blood pumping the fastest. This is also a good cure for Writers Block…never mind how I know that.

#  5:  NaCreWePeNaMo:  (National Create Weird Pen Names Month) Just imagine you couldn’t write using your real name–due to legal ramifications connected with # 9–and come up with a new weird pen name every day. I’d give you suggestions, but I’m saving those for another Top 10 List.

#  4:  NaWriWhiWeSpanMo (National Write While Wearing Spandex Month)  Just because.  And I strongly discourage mixing this one with # 9 because…well, it could get real ugly.

#  3:  NaPreTeDeMo (National Pretend to be Ted Dekker Month). See how many books you can sign at Barnes and Noble before they kick you out.

#  2:  NaDreLiYoFaAuMo (National Dress Like Your Favorite Author Month)  I’ll just let you conjure up your own images on this one. All I can say is there REALLY needs to be more male authors in ACFW!

#  1:  NaPoSarGeHiBaNeNaMoKaQuZiLaPoMo  I have no idea what this means, but it will take you a month to make something up yourself. Besides…it’s just plain fun to say. In fact, just walk up to someone and say it, then turn around and walk away. Enjoy!


Filed under books, Christian Fiction, editing, Larry W. Timm, Top 10 List, Top Ten list, Writing

13 responses to “Top 10 Alternatives to National Novel Writing Month

  1. Cassie

    Oh my gosh, writing on bacon. Yes, please. My boyfriend will be sizzling up some for me tomorrow. DANGLING PARTICIPLE MONTH, that’s hilarious.

  2. #5 was my favorite until I read #3 🙂 Oh yes, that would be funny!

  3. Although I enjoyed them all, you’ve got to admit #1 is the best, because it just plain sounds like Swahili!
    I tried it on the hubs, and he told me I’d been in front of the computer screen waaaay too long…

  4. Larry, you always crack me up! Ooh, a dangling participle!!! I’d better get busy.

  5. These were a nice distraction. I’m doing un-NaNo.

  6. Lol. Not sure which is my fav. 🙂

  7. #10 intrigues me. Thick bacon with a stylus. Nothing like eating your words.

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