Horton the Motivational Speaker

Sometimes inspirational truth is dispensed from surprising sources. It arrives with vivid suddenness, becoming one of those aha! moments.

This one came from a talking elephant. (I’ll give you a minute to reread that last sentence). Yes, I said a talking elephant…named Horton. Who did the right thing because he was convinced it was the right thing to do. If you’re a Who from Whoville, that name is nigh unto sacred. For the rest of us non-Whovillites, Horton can still be downright inspirational. The perilous pachyderm uttered one of the most important lines of children’s literature when he said:

“A person is a person, no matter how small.”

Just as there is no person who is insignificant, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no writer who is insignificant either. Yes, that means YOU. You are important. And your writing is too.

A writer is a writer, no matter how small.

If your writing moves one person, it was significant. And it had to have moved you or you wouldn’t have written it. So you and your writing qualify. You write because you’re convinced it is the right thing to do.

It isn’t contest wins or positive reviews or skyrocketing sales that makes a writer a writer. It’s their writing that does that. I urge you to finish 2012 strong. Start writing again. Or keep on writing.

Because nothing written to please God’s eyes first is insignificant. You and important simply because you exist.


Filed under Christian Fiction, Christian Growth, Christian Life, Writing

4 responses to “Horton the Motivational Speaker

  1. What a wonderful take on Horton–though I’d read about him, I’ve really loved him since our little theater company put on the musical Seussical Jr., in which Horton stars. 🙂

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